
To Ashley's Mind. (Not responsible for damages over 20$)

Friday, February 05, 2010

No RegretZ

I found a notebook that I had started writing in in 2001. The notebook itself is COVERED in stickers of all sizes, types, and colors. Basically, it looks like a Kindergartner's. It is wicked.

It is composed of notes I was writing to a friend... and if I had a dollar for every time I said "OMG" in the thing I would be VERY wealthy.

It also made me realize that I have done NOTHING in the last decade that I had planned to do in 2001. This.... is a little more than depressing.

I don't have my pilot's license... I never went abroad for school... I never made my black belt in Shotokan.

So, my goal this summer is to finish up my Private Pilot's License before I am 28. This doesn't account for ten lost years of accomplishing nothing, however, it is a baby step.

What have you guys NOT done in the last decade that you've always wanted to do?


Stephen said...

I wanted to learn how to play guitar better, stay in a band, and go on tour. The country would have been my oyster...but I don't really like oysters, so I'll go with pizza. It was going to be so awesome.

If you get your pilots license, I'm totally going up with you and recording the event. H&H IN THE SKY!

Lauren said...

I totally wanted to learn Japanese and I wanted to be a kung fu bad ass. Neither has been accomplished or even started. =( boo!