
To Ashley's Mind. (Not responsible for damages over 20$)

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Christmas Play of Shame


GBCS's Christmas play is always a point of discussion among ppl; mostly because it always sucks. Normally ppl show up to bond with their friends still imprisioned within the every crumbling walls of the HS... at least Ive never gone to be entertained by the acctual play.

Oh man, but this year was especially shyttie! It was directed by a gal in my graduating class (and word is she isnt allowed within 500 feet of neXt yearZ play) that obviously did not go to college for the fine arts.

More often then not the older kids have the starring roles in the Christmas play because it is meant to relay a message, however, this year it was "performed" by the 6th graders. It was like being drunk and trying to follow a math class o_O. Nothing made sense, nothing fit, nothing flowed... it flopped big time. (Which made me a lil giddy because I'm not to fond of the gal in charge.)

Anyway, I still hadda blast! I got to see Chris! My dear Buddy from HS! Ahhhh, the memorieZ ^___^ And the BowerZeZ and all the other lil urchinZ that used to be knee high but now tower over me. I dunno why, but I go back to that place and I regress... the word "peepee" makes me laugh there. Like I need any of my maturity stolen from me -_-

Ummm, rest of the night we just hung out (We missed the SHINE! and the MIERC!)

Also... I walked wednesday... I am now (thanX lan) OFFFFFFIIICCIIIAALLLYYYYYY a college grad ^_^ Score one for Ashy! Now I just need to finish my book and start grad school neXt fall and Im all set -_-

1 comment:

LandoMan said...

The play sucked but seeing everyone there was awesome.