Ok, I will ellaborate on the issue further at a more repectable time tommorrow, but for now....DOOM KICKED ASS!
Ok, so Doom was great. However, if you did not enjoy Resident Evil then you most likely will not get a hard on over Doom.
The plot didn't follow the game eXactly (then again vid game to movie releases never really do), but twas a lot more Zombie in eXecution.
Ppl were bitten... ppl changed into ickieZ... ickieZ bit more ppl. ^_^
Some of the lines were a tad forced--but in such a manner as to be eXtrodinarily amuZing. Mwahaha they alwayZ film the Rock from this one angle. Im not sure if that was on purpose or not but it provides for entertainment value.
And lastly: The First Person Shooter View. Contrary to popular belief, this was only done in a small portion of the movie and the theme was NOT carried throughout.
It was sort of like taking one of those coster rides at an amuZment park. You know the oneZ that dont go anywhere but the seatZ move and provide a FPV on a huge screen? Twas actually pretty neat. Although, hard core gamers may be annoyed at how slow the view rounds corners and such.
Anyway, Im so buying this when it comeZ out.
-Ende ^_^